What’s on @ Whalley
Hey there! We’ve been around in Whalley for a while if you call over 130 years a while.
We have 3 Craft Lodges, 2 Royal Arch Chapters and a Mark Master Masons Lodge
all meeting under our roof at 12, Accrington Road.
The Chapter Tyles at 7:00 pm
If you wish to attend please contact the Secretary, Paul Liles by email: pliles@hts.u-net.com
Join us for an evening of fun for all the family with a high tech race layout and betting odds you can afford..
This event is being held in Whalley Masonic Hall and starts at 7:00pm prompt with younger participants in mind.
Tickets are priced at £9 for Adults and £5 for children (16 and under). Supper included but please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.
Prizes to winning adults and children and or Team will be awarded.
If interested in attending please contact AbbeySocials@MasonicHallWhalley.co.uk in the first instance.
18:30 for a 19:00 start.