Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance 6384

The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance

The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance No. 6384 has an interesting history as the Lane’s Masonic Records shows. To fill in the gaps – the original Lodge of Allegiance was founded in 1946 just after the Second World War and met at Blackburn Masonic Hall on Richmond Terrace in Blackburn until 1999 when the Lodge moved to Darwen Masonic Hall on Hawkshaw Avenue in Darwen.

The late WBro. Bill Watson PAGSwdB was County Chairman of East Lancashire Scouts. He had a vision of a Scouting Masonic Lodge which would demonstrate how similar the two organisations are in terms of values and ethos. His vision was shared by numerous Scouting Freemasons and following discussions amongst Brethren from both East and West Lancashire Scout Counties enquiries were made to ascertain whether sufficient interest existed and whether there was a Lodge which would be willing to give their name to the cause.

These discussions and enquiries were facilitated by VWBro. Derek Thornhill a member of the Lodge of Allegiance. Amicable discussions took place with the existing Brethren who gave their full support to the formation of a new Lancashire Scouting Lodge. And so it was in August 2003 12 Scouting Freemasons joined the Lodge of Allegiance with 5 more joining in the subsequent 2 meetings.

It was agreed that the Lodge would meet 4 times a year with one of those meetings being held in West Lancashire by dispensation.

In May 2005, approval having been given by the United Grand Lodge of England, the Lodge became The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance with the Fleur-de-Lys incorporated into the Lodge summons heading.

In January 2006, the Lodge was re-dedicated by the then Deputy Provincial Grand Master, VWBro. Dr. Nigel Bramley-Howarth who delivered the Lodge Warrant with effacement, Banner and By-laws into the hands of the Worshipful Master. The Provincial Delegation at this meeting included WBro. Harry Hesmondhalgh, VWBro. Derek Thornhill and WBro. Chris Oversby and it was the first time since 1992 that this ceremony had been carried out.

Scouting Lodge of Allegiance Master
Scouting Lodge logo
Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance members

There are several active Scouting Brethren in the Lodge and several Lodge members who are members of the Scout Association. It is also pleasing that members of the original Lodge of Allegiance have remained though they have no Scouting background.

Scouting Lodges are not uncommon and an association has been formed as long ago as 1953 going under the name of the Kindred Lodge Association or KLA for short. The member Lodges List is impressive and contains the name of The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance No. 6384 the Lodge name being changed in 2004.

Move to Whalley

The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance No. 6384 moved to Whalley Masonic Hall in January 2019 and in August 2021 we amended their By-laws to facilitate the Lodge meeting 6 times a year.

The Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance No. 6384 now meets on the 4th Wednesday of January, March, May, August and September with the August meeting being their Installation Meeting . One meeting is at a Masonic Hall in the Province of West Lancashire.

For further information please contact the Lodge Secretary, WBro. Chris Creelman by email at this address

Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance members

Future Lodge Meetings

Our next Chapter meetings are shown here. They usually start at 7pm prompt followed by a Festive Board held at the Hall. The exception to this rule is our Installation Meeting in August which starts earlier at a time to be announced.

Should you wish to visit us please let our Lodge Secretary know well in advance so that he can ensure you are catered for. For your convenience we have provided a simple form below for this purpose which will go direct to the Lodge Secretary.

Our Next Meetings

Contact Lancashire Scouting Lodge of Allegiance

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